Response: Building Bridging Social Capital Among Muslims

Ahmet Alibašić
April 4, 2022
Pope Francis’ idea of the culture of encounter encompasses but goes beyond the imperative of deeper interreligious dialogue for the global common good. One of his key insights, that positive encounter begins with respectful listening, is relevant for interpersonal and community as well as wider social interaction. And what he calls “social friendship”—as both a foundation and a fruit of encounter—resonates with similar ideas in different religious and cultural traditions.
In these essays, participants in the Culture of Encounter and the Global Agenda project explore the cultural and religious dimensions of the idea of encounter in different contexts.
Response: Building Bridging Social Capital Among Muslims
Ahmet Alibašić
April 4, 2022
Response: Cultures of Encounter
Katherine Marshall
April 4, 2022
Response: Developing a Culture of Encounter: An Imperative in Asia
Shalini Mulackal
April 4, 2022
Response: Encountering Colonialism
Cristina Lledo Gomez
April 4, 2022
Response: Hospitality and the Culture of Encounter
Ludovic Lado
April 4, 2022
Response: Reflections on Core Values for a Culture of Encounter
Gemma Tulud Cruz
April 4, 2022
Response: Towards the Cultivation of Response-ability for a New Culture of Encounter
Barbara Schellhammer
April 4, 2022
Response: What's a Prayer?
Arinze Ifeakandu
April 4, 2022