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Pope Francis salutes to a crowd

Pope Francis on the Culture of Encounter

Pope Francis has frequently called for a "culture of encounter." Explore his uses of the term with the help of this interactive timeline and database -- searchable by keyword, country, or topic.




September 1, 1999

Educating in the Culture of Encounter (1)

I would like to make a proposal: We need to generate a culture of encounter. Facing the culture of fragmentation, as some have wanted to call it, or of nonintegration, more is demanded of us in difficult times, not favoring those who pretend to capitalize resentment, forget our shared history, or revel in weakening our ties.



September 1, 1999

Educating in the Culture of Encounter (2)

We are all invited to build this culture of encounter, to realize and share this new ferment that—at the same time—is a revivifying memory of our best history of sacrifice in solidarity, of the struggle against various enslavements and social integration. We should be convinced once again that the whole is superior to the parts, time is superior to space, reality is superior to the idea, and unity is superior to conflict. Last, we often ask ourselves with some concern: What kind of world are we leaving to our children? It might be better to pose a different one: What children are we giving to this world?




May 25, 2000

Homily for the Te Deum

Rebuild with hope our social ties! This is not a cold ethical and rationalistic proposition. It is not a new unrealizable utopia, much less a disaffected and destructive pragmatism. It is the imperative need to live together to build the desired common good, that of a community that surrenders interests to be able to share justly their assets, their interests, and their social life in peace. Nor is it just an administrative or technical management plan. Instead, it is the constant conviction expressed in actions, in the personal approach, in a distinctive stamp, where this will be expressed to change our way of kneading, in hope, a new culture of encounter, of proximity; where privilege is no longer an impregnable and irreducible power, and exploitation and abuse are no longer a habitual way of surviving. Following this line of promoting an approach, a culture of hope that creates new bonds, I invite you to win over wills, to pacify, and to convince.




September 19, 2009

It is Urgent to Build and Establish the Culture of Encounter (1)

It is urgent to build and establish the culture of encounter. It is urgent to recover the otherness and liberate ourselves from the amnesia that closes off our historical memory, that closes off the community commitment of the pre sent and closes off the capacity of utopias towards the future. These autisms imprison us and lead to confrontations.



September 19, 2009

It is Urgent to Build and Establish the Culture of Encounter (2)

Through dialogue we are brave because it is no longer me, we are many; when we dialogue, we gain the courage to launch this legacy, committed to the present, toward future utopias, and to fulfill our duty to make the received inheritance grow through fruitful commitments in future utopias. Country of confrontations? I don’t know. Culture of encounter? It must be done, through the instrument of dialogue, because it is very sad to be homeland orphans.




May 18, 2013

Vigil of Pentecost with the Ecclesial Movements

However, we must go out to meet them, and with our faith we must create a “culture of encounter”, a culture of friendship, a culture in which we find brothers and sisters, in which we can also speak with those who think differently, as well as those who hold other beliefs, who do not have the same faith.



July 27, 2013

Homily at Mass in Brazil (1)

To be called by Jesus, to be called to evangelize, and third: to be Called to promote the culture of encounter – In many places, generally speaking, due to the economic humanism that has been imposed in the world, the culture of exclusion, of rejection, is spreading. There is no place for the elderly or for the unwanted child; there is no time for that poor person in the street. At times, it seems that for some people, human relations are regulated by two modern “dogmas”: efficiency and pragmatism.



July 27, 2013

Homily at Mass in Brazil(2)

Dear brothers and sisters, God calls us, by name and surname, each one of us, to proclaim the Gospel and to promote the culture of encounter with joy. The Virgin Mary is our exemplar. In her life she was “a model of that motherly love with which all who join in the Church’s apostolic mission for the regeneration of humanity should be animated” (Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 65).



July 27, 2013

Homily on World Youth Day

Be servants of communion and of the culture of encounter! I would like you to be almost obsessed about this. Be so without being presumptuous, imposing “our truths”, but rather be guided by the humble yet joyful certainty of those who have been found, touched and transformed by the Truth who is Christ, ever to be proclaimed (cf. Lk 24:13-35)



July 27, 2013

Meeting with Brazilian Leaders (1)

Such a process seeks to promote an integral humanism and the culture of encounter and relationship: this is the Christian way of promoting the common good, the joy of living. Here, faith and reason unite, the religious dimension and the various aspects of human culture – art, science, labour, literature… Christianity combines transcendence and incarnation; it has the capacity to bring ever new vitality to thought and life, in the face of the threat of frustration and disillusionment which can creep into hearts and spread in the streets.



July 27, 2013

Meeting with Brazilian Leaders (2)

The only way for individuals, families and societies to grow, the only way for the life of peoples to progress, is via the culture of encounter, a culture in which all have something good to give and all can receive something good in return. Others always have something to give me, if we know how to approach them in a spirit of openness and without prejudice. This open spirit, without prejudice, I would describe as “social humility”, which is what favours dialogue. Only in this way can understanding grow between cultures and religions, mutual esteem without needless preconceptions, in a climate that is respectful of the rights of everyone. Today, either we take the risk of dialogue, we risk the culture of encounter, or we all fall; this is the path that will bear fruit.



August 7, 2013

Video Message for the Feast of St. Cajetan

We must build, create, construct a culture of encounter. How many differences, how many problems in the family there always are! Problems in the neighbourhood, problems at work, problems everywhere. And differences don't help. The culture of encounter. Going out to meet each other.



September 1, 2013

Angelus (1)

I repeat forcefully: it is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace.



September 2, 2013

Angelus (2)

Let us ask Mary to help us to respond to violence, to conflict and to war, with the power of dialogue, reconciliation and love. She is our mother: may she help us to find peace; all of us are her children! Help us, Mary, to overcome this most difficult moment and to dedicate ourselves each day to building in every situation an authentic culture of encounter and peace. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!



September 5, 2013

Address to the Orthodox Syrian Church

I wanted to recall some of the steps in these 30 years of the growing closeness between us, because I believe that on the ecumenical path it is important to look with trust to the steps that have been completed, overcoming prejudices and closed attitudes which are part of a kind of “culture of clashes” and source of division, and giving way to a "culture of encounter", which educates us for mutual understanding and for working towards unity.



September 10, 2013

Visit to Astalli Centre, Jesuit Refugee Service

The second word: accompanying. In recent years the Astalli Centre has progressed. At the outset it offered services of basic hospitality: a soup-kitchen, a place to sleep, legal assistance. It then learned to accompany people in their search for a job and to fit into society. Then it also proposed cultural activities so as to contribute to increasing a culture of acceptance, a culture of encounter and of solidarity, starting with the safeguard of human rights. Accompanying on its own is not enough.



September 23, 2013

Meeting with the Academic and Cultural World (1)

The university as a place where the culture of closeness develops, a culture of closeness. This is a proposal: a culture of closeness. Isolation and withdrawing into one's own interests are never the way to restore hope and bring about a renewal. Rather, it is closeness, it is the culture of encounter. Isolation, no. Closeness, yes. Culture clash, no; culture of encounter, yes. The university is a privileged place where this culture of dialogue is promoted, taught and lived, this culture which does not indiscriminately level out differences and plurality — this is one of the risks of globalization — nor does it take them to the extreme, causing them to become causes of conflict.



September 23, 2013

Meeting with the Academic and Cultural World (2)

The university as a place of formation in solidarity. The word solidarity does not belong solely to a Christian vocabulary. It is a word that is fundamental to human vocabulary. As I said today it is a word which in the present crisis, risks being eliminated from the dictionary. The discernment of reality, by taking on the moment of crisis, and the promotion of a culture of encounter and dialogue, orientate us to solidarity as a fundamental element for a renewal of our societies.



September 30, 2013

To Participants in the International Meeting for Peace

As religious leaders, we are called to be true ‘people of dialogue’, to cooperate in building peace not as intermediaries but as authentic mediators. Intermediaries seek to give everyone a discount ultimately in order to gain something for themselves. However, the mediator is one who retains nothing for himself, but rather spends himself generously until he is consumed, knowing that the only gain is peace. Each one of us is called to be an artisan of peace, by uniting and not dividing, by extinguishing hatred and not holding on to it, by opening paths to dialogue and not by constructing new walls! Let us dialogue and meet each other in order to establish a culture of dialogue in the world, a culture of encounter.



October 24, 2013

To the Delegation of the Simon Wiesenthal Center

In these last few weeks, I have reaffirmed on more than one occasion the Church’s condemnation of all forms of anti-Semitism. Today I wish to emphasize that the problem of intolerance must be confronted in all its forms: wherever any minority is persecuted and marginalized because of its religious convictions or ethnic identity, the wellbeing of society as a whole is endangered and each one of us must feel affected. With particular sadness I think of the sufferings, the marginalization and the very real persecutions which not a few Christians are undergoing in various countries. Let us combine our efforts in promoting a culture of encounter, respect, understanding and mutual forgiveness.



November 6, 2013

Audio-Message to the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired

I also wish all the best to your association, the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Spread always the culture of encounter, solidarity, acceptance of people with disabilities, not only by asking for just social welfare, but also by fostering their active participation in the life of society.



November 24, 2013

Evangelii Gaudium

People in every nation enhance the social dimension of their lives by acting as committed and responsible citizens, not as a mob swayed by the powers that be. Let us not forget that “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation”. Yet becoming a people demands something more. It is an ongoing process in which every new generation must take part: a slow and arduous effort calling for a desire for integration and a willingness to achieve this through the growth of a peaceful and multifaceted culture of encounter.



December 20, 2013

Message to Italian Diplomatic Personnel

Regarding the value and meaning of your work, allow me to emphasize a perspective which I think is very important. Through your service, you are in a position to promote the culture of encounter. You are diplomatic officials, and all of your work aims at ensuring that representatives from nations, international organizations and institutions come together in the most profitable way. How important this service is! The more visible, ceremonial aspect of your work is ordered to the unseen, to the growth of positive relations based on mutual understanding, respect and the common search for paths of development and peace.




March 29, 2014

To the Members of the Apostolic Movement of the Blind (1)

But let us think of the many that Jesus wanted to meet, especially people marked by illness and disability, in order to heal them and restore them to full dignity. It is very important that these same people become witnesses to a new attitude, that we can call the culture of encounter.



March 29, 2014

To the Members of the Apostolic Movement of the Blind (2)

These are two opposing cultures. The culture of encounter and the culture of exclusion. The culture of prejudice; because it criticized and excludes. Precisely because of their fragility, their limitations, the sick and disabled can become witnesses of the encounter: the encounter with Jesus, which opens them to life and faith, and to encounter others, with the community. Indeed, only those who recognize their own fragility, their own limitations, can build fraternal and solid relationships in the Church and in society.



April 10, 2014

Message to the Government and Opposition in Venezuela

Precisely what you have in common is what urges you to undertake the dialogue that is beginning today, which must have as its foundation an authentic culture of encounter that is aware that unity always prevails over conflict. I encourage you therefore to look beyond the eventuality of conflict, with reciprocal readiness to become and be genuine peacemakers. At the heart of every authentic dialogue there is, first and foremost, recognition and respect for the other. There is, above all, the “heroism” of forgiveness and mercy, which frees us from resentment and hate, and which opens a truly new path. It is a long and difficult path, which requires patience and courage, but it is the only one that can lead to peace and justice. For the good of all the people and for the future of your children, I call upon you to have this courage.



June 1, 2014

Message for the 48th World Communications Day (1)

The walls which divide us can be broken down only if we are prepared to listen and learn from one another. We need to resolve our differences through forms of dialogue which help us grow in understanding and mutual respect. A culture of encounter demands that we be ready not only to give, but also to receive. Media can help us greatly in this, especially nowadays, when the networks of human communication have made unprecedented advances. The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God.



June 1, 2014

Message for the 48th World Communications Day (2)

How, then, can communication be at the service of an authentic culture of encounter? What does it mean for us, as disciples of the Lord, to encounter others in the light of the Gospel? In spite of our own limitations and sinfulness, how do we draw truly close to one another? These questions are summed up in what a scribe – a communicator – once asked Jesus: “And who is my neighbour?” (Lk 10:29).



August 5, 2014

Message to the First Latin American Congress on the Family

In the bosom of the family, no one is set apart: both the elderly and the child will be welcome here. The culture of encounter and of dialogue, openness to solidarity and transcendence, originates in the family.



August 17, 2014

Meetings with the Bishops of Asia

This capacity for empathy enables a true human dialogue in which words, ideas and questions arise from an experience of fraternity and shared humanity. If we want to get to the theological basis of this, we have to go to the Father: he created us all; all of us are children of one Father. This capacity for empathy leads to a genuine encounter – we have to progress toward this culture of encounter – in which heart speaks to heart. We are enriched by the wisdom of the other and become open to traveling together the path to greater understanding, friendship and solidarity.



September 1, 2014

Address to Soccer Players and Promotors of the Interreligious Match for Peace

Tonight’s sporting event is a highly symbolic gesture to help one understand that it is possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace, where believers of different religions, while preserving their own identity — for when I said “regardless” this did not mean “setting aside”, no. Believers of different religions, while preserving their own identity, can coexist in harmony and mutual respect.



September 21, 2014


With the power of the Gospel and the example of your ancestors and the martyrs, you know how to say “No” to the idolatry of money – “No” to the idolatry of money! –, “No” to the false freedom of individualism, “No” to addiction and to violence; you also know how to say “Yes” to a culture of encounter and of solidarity. 



October 16, 2014

Message to the Italian Episcopal Conference

And what does the Gospel do? The Gospel generates consideration for the other, a culture of encounter, of solidarity. Thus by the power of the Gospel you will be witnesses of hope in instability.



December 15, 2014

To the Television Network TV 2000

To reawaken words, to open and not to close, to speak to the integral person brings about this culture of encounter, which is so necessary today in an increasingly plural context. Conflicts get us nowhere. Build a culture of encounter. This is a fine task for you. This requires you to be willing not only to give, but also to receive from others.




January 12, 2015

Address to the Members of the Diplomatic Corps

I experienced an eloquent sign that the culture of encounter is possible during my visit to Albania, a nation full of young people who represent hope for the future. Despite the painful events of its recent history, the country is marked by the “peaceful coexistence and collaboration that exists among followers of different religions” in an atmosphere of respect and mutual trust between Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims.



March 2, 2015

Letter to the Bishops of Nigeria

At the same time, peace is a daily endeavour, a courageous and authentic effort to favour reconciliation, to promote experiences of sharing, to extend bridges of dialogue, to serve the weakest and the excluded. In a word, peace consists in building up a “culture of encounter.



April 5, 2015

Urbi et Orbi Easter Message

May the culture of encounter grow between Israelis and Palestinians and the peace process be resumed, in order to end years of suffering and division.



June 6, 2015

Meeting with Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps

I am pleased to be in this city which, although it has suffered so much in the bloody conflicts of the past century, has once again become a place of dialogue and peaceful coexistence. Bosnia and Herzegovina has advanced from a culture of conflict and war to a culture of encounter.



July 11, 2015

Meeting with Representatives of Civil Society in Paraguay (1)

Dialogue presupposes and demands that we seek a culture of encounter; an encounter which acknowledges that diversity is not only good, it is necessary. Uniformity nullifies us, it makes us robots. The richness of life is in diversity. For this reason, the point of departure cannot be, “I'm going to dialogue but he’s wrong”. No, no, we must not presume that the other person is wrong. I dialogue with my identity but I'm going to listen to what the other person has to say, how I can be enriched by the other, who makes me realize my mistakes and see the contribution I can offer. It is a going out and a coming back, always with an open heart. If I presume that the other person is wrong, it's better to go home and not dialogue, would you not agree? Dialogue is for the common good and the common good is sought by starting from our differences, constantly leaving room for new alternatives. In other words, look for something new. When dialogue is authentic, it ends up with – allow me to use the word and to use it in a noble way – a new agreement, in which we all agree on something. Are there differences? They remain to one side, to be looked at again later. But on those things that we are agreed, we are committed and we defend them. This is one step forward. This is the culture of encounter.



July 11, 2015

Meeting with Representatives of Civil Society in Paraguay (2)

Dialogue is not about negotiating. Negotiating is trying to get your own slice of the cake. To see if I can get my own way. If you go with this intention, don't dialogue, don't waste your time. Dialogue is about seeking the common good. Discuss, think, and discover together a better solution for everybody. Many times this culture of encounter can involve conflict. To put it another way, we saw a beautiful ballet recently. Everything was coordinated and the orchestra was a veritable symphony of concordance. Everything was perfect. Everything went well. But during dialogue, it's not always the case, for it is not a perfect ballet or a coordinated orchestra. During dialogue there is conflict. This is logical and even desirable. Because if I think in one way and you in another and we walk together, there will be conflict. But we mustn't fear it, we mustn’t ignore it. On the contrary, we are invited to embrace conflict.




January 17, 2016

Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Each of us is responsible for his or her neighbour: we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they live. Concern for fostering good relationships with others and the ability to overcome prejudice and fear are essential ingredients for promoting the culture of encounter, in which we are not only prepared to give, but also to receive from others. Hospitality, in fact, grows from both giving and receiving.



February 2, 2016

20th World Day for Consecrated Life

Those who truly encounter Jesus cannot remain the same as before. He is the novelty that makes all things new. Those who experience this encounter become witnesses and make the encounter possible for others; they also promote the culture of encounter, avoiding the self-referentiality that makes us stay closed off within ourselves.



March 19, 2016

Amoris Laetitiae

A married couple who experience the power of love know that this love is called to bind the wounds of the outcast, to foster a culture of encounter and to fight for justice.



May 23, 2016

Message to the Chinese Faithful

May Chinese Catholics, in this Year of Mercy, along with those who follow other noble religious traditions, become a concrete sign of charity and reconciliation. In this way they will promote an authentic culture of encounter and harmony for society as a whole, that harmony that is so beloved to the Chinese spirit.



May 30, 2016

Meeting with Scholas Occurentes

A climate of encounter, of a 'bridge' that unites and that is a challenge for this world, a world that always runs the risk of becoming atomised, of separating. And when peoples separate, families separate, friends separate, and in separation one can sow only enmity and even hatred. Instead, when people unite there is social friendship, fraternal friendship; and there is a culture of encounter, that defends us from any type of throwaway culture.



July 29, 2016

Message to the Young People of Havana

I trust that these days will be, for all, a special occasion to foster the culture of encounter, the culture of respect, the culture of understanding and of mutual forgiveness. This is about ‘making a ruckus’, about dreaming. And young people are supposed to ‘make a ruckus’!



August 10, 2016

General Audience

I hope that every one may live this Extraordinary Holy Year by fostering the culture of encounter, recognizing the presence of the Lord’s flesh particularly in the poor and in the needy.



September 8, 2016

To Participants in a Symposium in Buenos Aires

Our religious traditions are a necessary source of inspiration to foster a culture of encounter. Interreligious cooperation, based on the promotion of sincere and respectful dialogue, is essential. If there is no mutual respect there will be no interreligious dialogue.



September 13, 2016

Meditation for a Culture of Encounter (1)

An invitation to work for “the culture of encounter”, in a simple way, “as Jesus did”: not just seeing, but looking; not just hearing, but listening; not just passing people by, but stopping with them; not just saying “what a shame, poor people!”, but allowing yourself to be moved with compassion; “and then to draw near, to touch and to say: ‘Do not weep’ and to give at least a drop of life."



September 13, 2016

Meditation for a Culture of Encounter (2)

This discourse also reaches out to the people of today, who are far too “accustomed to a culture of indifference” and who therefore need to “work and ask for the grace to build a culture of encounter, of this fruitful encounter, this encounter that returns to each person their dignity as children of God, the dignity of living.”



September 30, 2016

Pope's Message to the Argentine People

It is my love for my country that leads me to do this, and which leads me also to ask you, once more, to shoulder the weight of your homeland, this country that needs each one of us to give the best of ourselves, to improve, to grow and to mature. And this will help us achieve this culture of encounter that can overcome all these throwaway cultures that are offered everywhere in the world today. A culture of encounter where there is a place for everyone, where everyone can live with dignity and where one can express oneself peacefully without being insulted, attacked or rejected.



October 2, 2016

Interreligious Encounter in the Aliyev Mosque

Religions, on the contrary, which help to discern the good and put it into practice through deeds, prayer and diligent cultivation of the inner life, are called to build a culture of encounter and peace, based on patience, understanding, and humble, tangible steps. This is the way a humane society is best served. For its part, society must always overcome the temptation to take advantage of religious factors: religions must never be instrumentalised, nor can they ever lend support to, or approve of, conflicts and disagreements.



October 18, 2016

Message for Lent

I encourage all the faithful to express this spiritual renewal also by sharing in the Lenten Campaigns promoted by many Church organizations in different parts of the world, and thus to favour the culture of encounter in our one human family. Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we will be able to experience and share to the full the joy of Easter.



November 15, 2016

The Pope to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Our great challenge is to create a culture of encounter, which encourages individuals and groups to share the richness of their traditions and experiences, to break down walls and to build bridges. The Church in America, as elsewhere, is called to “go out” from its comfort zone and to be a leaven of communion. Communion among ourselves, with our fellow Christians, and with all who seek a future of hope.



December 31, 2016

Celebration of the first Vespers of the Solemnity of Mary

The manger invites us to break with the logic of exceptions for some and exclusion for others. God Himself comes to shatter the chains of privilege that always cause exclusion, in order to introduce the caress of compassion that brings inclusion, that makes the dignity of each person shine forth, the dignity for which he or she was created. A child in swaddling clothes shows us the power of God Who approaches us as a gift, an offering, a leaven and opportunity for creating a culture of encounter.




January 21, 2017

Message for the 51st World Day of Social Communications

I would like to encourage everyone to engage in constructive forms of communication that reject prejudice towards others and foster a culture of encounter, helping all of us to view the world around us with realism and trust.



February 9, 2017

To a Delegation of the Anti-Defamation League

Whereas the culture of encounter and reconciliation engenders life and gives rise to hope, the “non-culture” of hate sows death and reaps despair. Last year I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. There are no adequate words or thoughts in the face of such horrors of cruelty and sin; there is prayer, that God may have mercy and that such tragedies may never happen again.



February 16, 2017

To a Delegation from the Special Olympics

Sport also helps us to spread a culture of encounter and solidarity... Together, athletes and helpers show us that there are no obstacles or barriers which cannot be overcome. You are a sign of hope for all who commit themselves to a more inclusive society. Every life is precious, every person is a gift and inclusion enriches every community and society. This is your message for the world, for a world without borders, which excludes no one.



February 17, 2017

Holy Father’s visit to the “Roma Tre” University

The university can also be the place where we process the culture of encounter and welcome for people of different cultural traditions and religions.



February 24, 2017

To a Seminar on “The Human Right to Water”

Our commitment to give water its proper place calls for developing a culture of care – it seems to be something poetic and, indeed, Creation is a “poiesis”, this culture of care that is creative – and also fostering a culture of encounter, joining in common cause all the necessary efforts made by scientists and business people, government leaders and politicians.



April 29, 2017

Holy Mass at the “Air Defense Stadium” in Cairo

True faith is one that makes us more charitable, more merciful, more honest and more humane. It moves our hearts to love everyone without counting the cost, without distinction and without preference. It makes us see the other not as an enemy to be overcome, but a brother or sister to be loved, served and helped. It spurs us on to spread, defend and live out the culture of encounter, dialogue, respect and fraternity.



June 13, 2017

Message for the First World Day of the Poor

I invite the whole Church, and men and women of good will everywhere, to turn their gaze on this day to all those who stretch out their hands and plead for our help and solidarity. They are our brothers and sisters,created and loved by the one Heavenly Father. This Day is meant, above all, to encourage believers to react against a culture of discard and waste, and to embrace the culture of encounter.



June 21, 2017

Address to the Delegation of the National Football League

Teamwork, fair play and the pursuit of personal excellence are the values – in the religious sense, we can say virtues – that have guided your own commitment on the field. Yet these same values are urgently needed off the field, on all levels of our life as a community. They are the values that help build a culture of encounter, in which we anticipate and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters, and combat the exaggerated individualism, indifference and injustice that hold us back from living as one human family. How greatly our world needs this culture of encounter!



September 7, 2017

Apostolic Trip in Colombia

Despite obstacles, differences and varying perspectives on the way to achieve peaceful coexistence, this task summons us to persevere in the struggle to promote a “culture of encounter”. This requires us to place at the centre of all political, social and economic activity the human person, who enjoys the highest dignity, and respect for the common good. May this determination help us flee from the temptation to vengeance and the satisfaction of short-term partisan interests. We recently heard the words being sung: “Following the path takes its time”. This is long-term. The more demanding the path that leads to peace and understanding, the greater must be our efforts to acknowledge each another, to heal wounds, to build bridges, to strengthen relationships and support one another.



September 7, 2017

Visit to the Cathedral of Bogota

For you find it easy to meet together. You teach us, who are older, that the culture of meeting is not in thinking, living or reacting to everyone in the same way. No, it is not that. The culture of encounter, of meeting, is knowing that beyond our differences we are all part of something greater that unites and transcends us; we are part of this wonderful country. Help us to enter, help us who are older, to enter this culture of encounter, of meeting which you put into practice so well.



November 11, 2017

To Participants in the Amoris Laetitiae Symposium

Love between man and woman is clearly one of the most generative human experiences; it is the leaven of the culture of encounter and brings an injection of sociability to today’s world.



November 19, 2017

Meeting with the Bishops of Myanmar

For the unity we share and celebrate is born of diversity. Never forget this – it is born of diversity! It values people’s differences as a source of mutual enrichment and growth. It invites people to come together in a culture of encounter and solidarity.



November 24, 2017

To the Participants of the Conference “From Populorum Progressio to Laudato si’”

Everything is justified on the basis of the god of money. Given that many of you have contributed to combating this pathology in the past, today you are well placed to correct it in the future. I beg you to confront this difficult theme and to show us, in accordance with your prophetic and creative mission, that a culture of encounter and care is possible. Today there is at stake not only the dignity of the employed, but also the dignity of the labour of all people, and the home of all people, our mother earth.



November 29, 2017

Meeting with the Supreme Council of Buddhist Monks

Through the teachings of the Buddha, and the dedicated witness of so many monks and nuns, the people of this land have been formed in the values of patience, tolerance and respect for life, as well as a spirituality attentive to, and deeply respectful of, our natural environment. As we know, these values are essential to the integral development of society, starting with its smallest but most essential unit, the family, and extending through the network of relationships that bring us together – relationships rooted in culture, ethnicity and nationality, but ultimately in our common humanity. In a true culture of encounter, these values can strengthen our communities and help to bring much needed light to wider society.



December 1, 2017

Interreligious and Ecumenical Meeting for Peace (1)

It is a particularly gratifying sign of our times that believers and all people of good will feel increasingly called to cooperate in shaping a culture of encounter, dialogue and cooperation in the service of our human family.



December 1, 2017

Interreligious and Ecumenical Meeting for Peace (2)

Dear friends, I thank you for your efforts to promote the culture of encounter, and I pray that, by demonstrating the common commitment of believers to discerning the good and putting it into practice, they will help all believers to grow in wisdom and holiness, and to cooperate in building an ever more humane, united and peaceful world.



December 6, 2017

General Audience

In Dhaka we experienced a profound moment of interreligious and ecumenical dialogue, which afforded me the opportunity to emphasize openness of heart as the foundation of a culture of encounter, harmony and of peace. 




January 5, 2018

To the Italian Association of Catholic Teachers

I thank you for the contribution you give to the Church’s commitment to promoting the culture of encounter. And I encourage you to do so, if possible, in an even more grass-roots and incisive way. In fact, in this cultural challenge the foundations laid down over the years of primary education for children are decisive. Christian teachers, whether they work in Catholic schools or in state schools, are called to stimulate in the pupils the openness to the other as a face, as a person, as a brother and sister to know and respect, with his or her history, merits and defects, riches and limits. The challenge is to cooperate to train young people to be open and interested in the reality that surrounds them, capable of care and tenderness – I think of bullies – free from the widespread prejudice according to which one must be competitive, aggressive, and hard towards others, especially towards those who are different, foreign or in any way seen as an obstacle to one’s own affirmation. This unfortunately is the “air” that our children often breathe, and the remedy is to make sure that they can breathe a different, healthier, more human air.



January 18, 2018

Meeting with the Peoples of Amazonia

Education helps us to build bridges and to create a culture of encounter. Schooling and education for the native peoples must be a priority and commitment of the state: an integrated and inculturated commitment that recognizes, respects and integrates their ancestral wisdom as a treasure belonging to the whole nation.



January 19, 2018

Meeting at the Institute Jorge Basadre

What a beautiful image of the Church without borders, where all peoples have a place! How much we need moments like these, to be together and, regardless of our place of origin, to inspire us to build a culture of encounter that renews us in hope.



January 29, 2018

Veritatis Gaudium - On Ecclesial Universities and Faculties

A second guiding criterion, closely linked to and flowing from the first, is that of wide-ranging dialogue, not as a mere tactical approach, but as an intrinsic requirement for experiencing in community the joy of the Truth and appreciating more fully its meaning and practical implications. Today our proclamation of the Gospel and the Church’s doctrine are called to promote a culture of encounter, in generous and open cooperation with all the positive forces that contribute to the growth of universal human consciousness. A culture, we might say, of encounter between all the authentic and vital cultures, thanks to a reciprocal exchange of the gifts of each in that 4 luminous space opened up by God’s love for all his creatures.



February 24, 2018

To Members of the Movement "Diaconate of Beauty"

I encourage you, in this “Diaconate of Beauty”, to promote a culture of encounter, of building bridges between people, between populations, in a world in which many walls are still raised out of fear of others.



March 12, 2018

To a Delegation from Marseilles

Christians are called upon to participate, along with believers of all religions and all men of good will, in order to foster the development of a culture of encounter. In this sense, may your desire to serve the common good lead you to do everything possible to build bridges between people who find themselves in different social, economic, cultural and religious conditions, as well as between different generations.



September 20, 2018

To World Conference on Xenophobia and Racism

In a world in which access to information and communication tools is ever more widespread, a special responsibility falls to those who work in the field of social communication, who have the duty to put themselves at the service of truth and to broadcast information taking care to promote a culture of encounter and openness to others with mutual respect for diversity.



September 26, 2018

Message to the Catholics of China and the Universal Church

Open your hearts and minds to discern the merciful plan of God, who asks us to rise above personal prejudices and conflicts between groups and communities, in order to undertake a courageous fraternal journey in the light of an authentic culture of encounter.



December 2, 2018

Audience with the Participants in the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

Young people occupy a privileged position for meeting the survivors of human trafficking. Go to your parishes, to an association near your home, meet people, listen to them. From there, a response and a concrete commitment on your part will grow. I see the risk of this becoming an abstract problem, but it is not abstract. There are signs that you can learn to “read”, which tell you: here there could be a victim of trafficking, a slave. We need to promote the culture of encounter that always brings with it an unexpected richness and great surprises. Saint Paul gives us an example: in Christ, the slave Onesimus is no longer a slave but much more, he is a very dear brother (cf. Philemon 1: 16).




January 24, 2019

To World Youth Day in Panama

You, dear friends, have made many sacrifices to be able to meet one another and in this way you have become true teachers and builders of the culture of encounter. By all of this, you become teachers and builders of the culture of encounter, which is not: “Hi, how’s it going? Bye, see you later”. No, the culture of encounter is what makes us walk together with our differences but also with love, everyone united on the same journey. By your actions and your approach, your way of looking at things, your desires and above all your sensitivity, you discredit and defuse the kind of talk that is intent on sowing division, the kind of talk that is intent on excluding or rejecting those who are not “like us”.



February 6, 2019

Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates

That country has grown very much in recent decades. It has become a crossroads between East and West, a multi-ethnic and multi-religious ‘oasis’ and thus, a suitable place in which to promote the culture of encounter.



March 25, 2019

Christus Vivit. To Young People and to the Entire People of God (1)

To encounter means to know how to do something else: to enter into the culture of encounter. It is a call inviting us together to dare to keep alive a shared dream. We have many differences, and we speak different languages. We wear different clothes but, please, let us aim at having a dream in common. We can do this. This does not cancel us out but enriches us. A great dream, a dream that has a place for everyone.



March 25, 2019

Christus Vivit. To Young People and to the Entire People of God (2)

If, as a result of our own simple and at times costly efforts, we can find points of agreement amid conflict, build bridges and make peace for the benefit of all, then we will experience the miracle of the culture of encounter. This is something which young people can dare to pursue with passion.



March 25, 2019

Christus Vivit. To Young People and to the Entire People of God (3)

There is also a beauty, unrelated to appearances or fashionable dress, in all those men and women who pursue their personal vocation with love, in selfless service of community or nation, in the hard work of building a happy family, in the selfless and demanding effort to advance social harmony. To find, to disclose and to highlight this beauty, which is like that of Christ on the cross, is to lay the foundations of genuine social solidarity and the culture of encounter.



March 25, 2019

Christus Vivit. To Young People and to the Entire People of God (4)

Catholic schools remain essential places for the evangelization of the young. Account should be taken of a number of guiding principles set forth in Veritatis Gaudium for the renewal and revival of missionary outreach on the part of schools and universities. These include a fresh experience of the kerygma, wide-ranging dialogue, interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches, the promotion of a culture of encounter, the urgency of creating networks and an option in favour of those who are least, those whom society discards



March 31, 2019

Visit to the “Centre Rural des Services Sociaux” of Témara

May your charity be ever active and thus a path of communion between Christians of every confession present in Morocco: the ecumenism of charity. May it be also a path of dialogue and cooperation with our Muslim brothers and sisters, and with all men and women of good will. Charity, especially towards the vulnerable, is the best opportunity we have to keep working to build of a culture of encounter.



May 7, 2019

Video Message on the Occasion of Upcoming Trip to North Macedonia

Today more than ever there is a need to promote in Europe and throughout the world the culture of encounter and of fraternity, and I will come among you to sow these seeds, sure in the knowledge that yours is good soil, and that it will be able to welcome them and bear fruit.



May 7, 2019

Video Message to North Macedonia

After your country attained independence, the Holy See wished to establish a rapport of friendship and diplomatic relations. Nowadays, more than ever, there is a need to nurture in Europe and in the whole world the culture of encounter, the culture of fraternity, and I will come in your midst to sow these seeds, sure that yours is good soil, that will know how to receive them and bear fruit.



May 31, 2019

Homily in Bucharest

Mary encounters Elizabeth (cf. Lk 1:39-56), a woman already advanced in years (v. 7). But Elizabeth, though older, is the one who speaks of the future and, “filled with the Holy Spirit” (v. 41), prophesies in words that foreshadow the last of the Gospel beatitudes: “Blessed are those who believe” (cf. Jn 20:29). Remarkably, the younger woman goes to meet the older one, seeking her roots, while the older woman is reborn and prophetically foretells the future of the younger one. Here, young and old meet, embrace and awaken the best of each. It is a miracle brought about by the culture of encounter, where no one is discarded or pigeonholed, but all are sought out, because all are needed to reveal the Lord’s face. They are not afraid to walk together, and when this happens, God appears and works wonders in his people. The Holy Spirit impels us to go out from ourselves, from all that hems us in, from the things to which we cling.



September 12, 2019

Message for the Launch of the Global Compact on Education

A further step is the courage to train individuals who are ready to offer themselves in service to the community. Service is a pillar of the culture of encounter: “It means bending over those in need and stretching out a hand to them, without calculation, without fear, but with tenderness and understanding, just as Jesus knelt to wash the Apostles’ feet. Serving means working beside the neediest of people, establishing with them first and foremost human relationships of closeness and bonds of solidarity”. In serving others, we experience that there is more joy in giving than in receiving (cf. Acts 20:35). In this regard, all institutions must be open to examining the aims and methods that determine how they carry out their educational mission.



September 27, 2019

To Participants in the Seminar, "The Common Good in the Digital Age"

Otherwise, a dominant paradigm – the “technocratic paradigm” – that promises uncontrolled and unlimited progress will be imposed and perhaps will even eliminate other factors of development, with great danger for the whole of humanity. By your work, you have sought to prevent this and to make concrete the culture of encounter and interdisciplinary dialogue.



November 21, 2019

Greetings to the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch

I myself recently had the honour of welcoming a delegation of monks from the Wat Pho temple, who presented me with a translation of an ancient Buddhist manuscript in the Pali language kept in the Vatican Library. These are small steps which help testify that the culture of encounter is possible, not only within our communities but also in our world, so prone to creating and spreading conflict and exclusion.



November 24, 2019

To the Academic Community at Sophia University

Wisdom: your University is called “Sophia” because its objective is first of all to communicate and learn wisdom in order to infuse all its sciences. Wisdom is in fact the Light of the countenance of God that illuminates the face of man: his mystery, his questions, his sufferings, his destiny. For us Christians, wisdom is Jesus crucified and risen, but His light illuminates all men (cf. Jn 1: 9): all religions, all cultures, all authentic exercises of humanity. For this reason, we are called to walk together with each other – as you do – to build a true and harmonious culture of encounter.



November 25, 2019

Meeting with Young People in Tokyo (1)

Our meeting today is so joyful precisely because we are saying that the culture of encounter is possible, that it is not a utopia, and that you young people have the special sensitivity needed to carry it forward.



November 25, 2019

Meeting with Young People in Tokyo (2)

Young people need to give something to the world. Bear witness that a “social friendship”, friendship among yourselves, is possible! Put your hope in a future based on the culture of encounter, acceptance, fraternity and respect for the dignity of each person, especially those most in need of love and understanding. Without sensing the need to attack or despise others, but learning instead to recognize their gifts.



November 27, 2019

General Audience

In Tokyo I had the opportunity to visit Emperor Naruhito to whom I once more express my gratitude. I also met the country’s Authorities with the Diplomatic Corps. I expressed my wishes for a culture of encounter and dialogue, marked by wisdom and broad outlook. Remaining faithful to its religious and moral values and open to the Gospel message, Japan can be a leading nation for a more just and peaceful world and for harmony between mankind and the environment.



December 3, 2019

Message for International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we renew our gaze of faith, which sees in each brother and sister the presence of Christ Himself, Who considers every gesture of love towards one of His least brothers to have been made to Himself (cf. Gospel of Matthew 25: 40). On this occasion, I would like to recall how today the promotion of the right to participation plays a central role in combating discrimination and promoting the culture of encounter and quality of life.




January 9, 2020

To the Members of the Diplomatic Corps

In my journeys during this past year, I was also able to visit three Eastern European countries, first Bulgaria and North Macedonia, and then Romania. Three countries each different from the others, yet linked by the fact that for centuries they have been bridges between East and West, and a crossroads of diverse cultures, ethnicities and civilizations. As I visited them, I experienced once again the importance of dialogue and the culture of encounter for creating peaceful societies in which each individual can freely express his or her ethnic and religious identity.



February 2, 2020

Querida Amazonia (1)

Christ redeemed the whole person, and he wishes to restore in each of us the capacity to enter into relationship with others. The Gospel proposes the divine charity welling up in the heart of Christ and generating a pursuit of justice that is at once a hymn of fraternity and of solidarity, an impetus to the culture of encounter. The wisdom of the way of life of the original peoples – for all its limitations – encourages us to deepen this desire.



February 2, 2020

Querida Amazonia (2)

The journey continues, and missionary efforts, if they are to develop a Church with an Amazonian face, need to grow in a culture of encounter towards “a multifaceted harmony.”



February 6, 2020

To Participants of the UFI Global CEO Summit

In a particular way, too, global exhibitions contribute to the growth of a culture of encounter, that strengthens bonds of solidarity and fosters mutual enrichment between the members of our human family (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 220). Your work thus has a transcendent dimension. As a service to the common good, it should promote inclusion, care for our common home, and the integral development of individuals and peoples. These ethical concerns are not secondary, but essential to forging an economy in which financial returns do not represent the only variable for measuring success.



February 7, 2020

To Participants at the Seminar "Education: The Global Compact"

Future generations must have a clear understanding of their own tradition and culture – this is non-negotiable – in relation to other traditions, in such a way that they can develop their own self-understanding by encountering and appropriating cultural diversity and change. This will enable the promotion of a culture of dialogue, a culture of encounter and mutual understanding, in a spirit of serenity and tolerance. An education that enables young people to identify and foster true human values from an intercultural and interreligious perspective.



April 30, 2020

Audience with Pilgrims from Slovakia

Coming among you, I wished to encourage you to walk in the style of encounter, all together: the young, families, the elderly, the various communities that historically form part of your society. The culture of encounter is built in the search for harmony among diversity, a harmony that requires acceptance, openness and creativity. At the root of this style of life there is the Gospel, there is the Holy Spirit. But we know that in history and in real life, this harmony is at times harmed by our sins and our limits. Therefore, during my visit, we prayed also for the healing of wounds. Remember: never tire of invoking the Holy Spirit, who is the Creator of harmony and balm for wounds!



July 20, 2020

Instruction on the Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community

The ‘culture of encounter’ is conducive to dialogue, solidarity and openness to others, as it is person-centred. Naturally, a Parish must be a place that brings people together and fosters long-term personal relationships, thereby giving people a sense of belonging and being wanted.



September 2, 2020

General Audience -- Healing the World

Of you, bishops and priests, I ask apostolic zeal, poverty and austerity. Be poor together with your poor and suffering people. Be the first to give an example of poverty and humility. Help the faithful and your people to rise again and contribute actively to a new rebirth. May all alike foster concord and renewal in the name of the common good and a genuine culture of encounter, peaceful coexistence and fraternity. Fraternity: a word so dear to Saint Francis.



September 10, 2020

Address to the "Snapshots from the Borders" Project (1)

It is also fundamental to change the way of seeing and speaking about migration: it means putting the people, the faces, the stories at the centre. Thus the importance of projects, like the one you promote, that seek to offer different approaches, inspired by the culture of encounter, which constitutes the journey toward a new humanism. And when I say “new humanism”, I do not mean just as a philosophy of life, but also as a spirituality, as a style of conduct.



September 18, 2020

To the Editorial Board of the Weekly "Tertio"

This reference, therefore, is not only a call for hope, but also aims to make the voice of the Church and that of Christian intellectuals heard in an increasingly secularized media scene, with the purpose of enriching it with constructive reflections. Seeking a positive view of people and facts, rejecting prejudices, it is a matter of fostering a culture of encounter through which it is possible to know reality with a confident outlook.



September 20, 2020

Apostolic Letter Scripturae Sacrae Affectuson the Sixteen Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Saint Jerome

Without translation, different linguistic communities would be unable to communicate among themselves; we would close the doors of history to one another and negate the possibility of building a culture of encounter. In effect, without translation there can be no such hospitality; indeed hostility would increase. A translator is a bridge builder.



October 3, 2020

Fratelli Tutti (1)

I have frequently called for the growth of a culture of encounter capable of transcending our differences and divisions. This means working to create a many-faceted polyhedron whose different sides form a variegated unity, in which ‘the whole is greater than the part’. The image of a polyhedron can represent a society where differences coexist, complementing, enriching and reciprocally illuminating one another, even amid disagreements and reservations. Each of us can learn something from others. No one is useless and no one is expendable. This also means finding ways to include those on the peripheries of life. For they have another way of looking at things; they see aspects of reality that are invisible to the centres of power where weighty decisions are made.



October 3, 2020

Fratelli Tutti (2)

To speak of a ‘culture of encounter’ means that we, as a people, should be passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone. This becomes an aspiration and a style of life. The subject of this culture is the people, not simply one part of society that would pacify the rest with the help of professional and media resources.



October 3, 2020

Fratelli Tutti (3)

Social peace demands hard work, craftsmanship. It would be easier to keep freedoms and differences in check with cleverness and a few resources. But such a peace would be superficial and fragile, not the fruit of a culture of encounter that brings enduring stability. Integrating differences is a much more difficult and slow process, yet it is the guarantee of a genuine and lasting peace. That peace is not achieved by recourse only to those who are pure and untainted, since ‘even people who can be considered questionable on account of their errors have something to offer which must not be overlooked’. Nor does it come from ignoring social demands or quelling disturbances, since it is not ‘a consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority’. What is important is to create processes of encounter, processes that build a people that can accept differences. Let us arm our children with the weapons of dialogue! Let us teach them to fight the good fight of the culture of encounter!”



November 21, 2020

Video Message to the Economy of Francesco Meeting

You have experienced the urgently needed culture of encounter, which is the opposite of the throwaway culture now in vogue. This culture of encounter makes it possible for many voices to be heard around the same table, in order to dialogue, consider, discuss and formulate, in a polyhedral perspective, different aspects and possible responses to global problems involving our peoples and our democracies. It is not easy to move towards real solutions when those who do not think like ourselves are discredited, slandered and misquoted! Discrediting, slandering and misquoting are cowardly ways of refusing to make the decisions needed to solve many problems. Let us never forget that “the whole is greater than the part, but it is also greater than the sum of its parts”, and that “the mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for the whole human family”.




January 10, 2021


Dear brothers and sisters, I offer an affectionate greeting to the people of the United States of America, shaken by the recent siege on the Congress. I pray for those who lost their life — five — they lost it in those dramatic moments. I reiterate that violence is always self-destructive. Nothing is earned with violence and so much is lost. I exhort the government authorities and the entire population to maintain a deep sense of responsibility, in order to calm souls, to promote national reconciliation and to protect the democratic values rooted in American society. May the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of the United States of America, help keep alive the culture of encounter, the culture of care, as the royal road to build the common good together; and may she do so with all those who live in that land.



January 31, 2021

Message on the Occasion of 68th World Leprosy Day

The health care community in particular, and society as a whole, offer a tremendous service to the common good when they help facilitate this process of personal integration for those who suffer from leprosy and their families. Not everyone will have the skills or expertise to cure Hansen’s disease physically, but everyone is capable of promoting that culture of encounter which brings about healing and the mental well-being of those affected by this distressing illness.



February 12, 2021

To Directors of the European Institute of International Studies (1)

The continued global health crisis has painfully highlighted the urgent need to promote a culture of encounter for the whole human family, and for all men and women to be “passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone” (Fratelli Tutti, 216). In this context, I especially welcome the efforts being made to respond to the opportunities and challenges that this poses for the world’s religions.



February 12, 2021

To Directors of the European Institute of International Studies (2)

In our day, such an integrated approach to defending and promoting the rights of all is incumbent upon both political and religious leaders, for it is precisely a culture of encounter that can provide a basis to a more united and reconciled world. Only this culture, moreover, can lead to sustainable justice and peace for all, as well as genuine care for our common home.



February 12, 2021

To Directors of the European Institute of International Studies(3)

As mankind continues to face the uncertainties and challenges of the present, I encourage you to remain committed to the search for new and creative paths leading to the growth of this culture of encounter, for the sake also of the concord and wellbeing of future generations.



March 24, 2021

Video Message on the Birth Centenary Celebration of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

He promoted a culture of encounter and dialogue, marked by wisdom, insight and breadth of vision. He knew that it is only in such a pluralistic and inclusive society, in which every person could live in freedom, peace and security, that a more just and fraternal world can be built.



April 7, 2021

Letter for the Spring 2021 Meeting of the World Bank and the IMF

As experts in finance and economics, you know well that trust, born of the interconnectedness between people, is the cornerstone of all relationships, including financial relationships. Those relationships can only be built up through the development of a “culture of encounter” in which every voice can be heard and all can thrive, finding points of contact, building bridges, and envisioning long-term inclusive projects.



May 6, 2021

Message to the 107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

This is the ideal of the new Jerusalem (cf. Is 60; Rev 21:3), where all peoples are united in peace and harmony, celebrating the goodness of God and the wonders of creation. To achieve this ideal, however, we must make every effort to break down the walls that separate us and, in acknowledging our profound interconnection, build bridges that foster a culture of encounter. Today’s migration movements offer an opportunity for us to overcome our fears and let ourselves be enriched by the diversity of each person’s gifts. Then, if we so desire, we can transform borders into privileged places of encounter, where the miracle of an ever wider “we” can come about.



July 26, 2021

Message on the Food System Summit

We are aware that individual, self-centred and conflicting - but powerful - economic interests prevent us from conceiving of a food system that responds to the values of the Common Good, solidarity and the “culture of encounter”. If we want to maintain a fruitful multilateralism and a food system based on responsibility, justice, peace and unity of the human family is paramount.



September 4, 2021

Audience with the Members of the “Leaders pour la Paix” Foundation

This therefore means working simultaneously at two levels: cultural and institutional. At the first level, it is important to promote a culture of faces, which place at the centre the dignity of the person, respect for his or her history, especially if wounded or marginalized. And also a culture of encounter, in which we listen to and welcome our brothers and sisters, “with confidence in the reserves of goodness present in human hearts." At the second level – that of institutions – it is urgent to promote dialogue and multilateral collaboration, because multilateral agreements are better than bilateral ones at guaranteeing “the promotion of a truly universal common good and the protection of weaker states.” In any case, “let us not remain mired in theoretical discussions, but touch the wounded flesh of the victims.”



November 5, 2021

To the Vatican Library

From the beginning of my pontificate, I have called the Church to make herself an “outbound Church” and a protagonist of the culture of encounter.



November 19, 2021

Audience with Members of the Swedish Academy

Dialogue is not synonymous with relativism. Indeed, society is all the more noble whenever it cultivates the search for truth and is rooted in fundamental truths (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 206-207), and especially when it acknowledges that “every human being possesses an inalienable dignity” (ibid., 213). Believers and nonbelievers alike can agree on this principle. On this basis, we are together called to promote the culture of encounter. “Let us arm our children with the weapons of dialogue! Let us teach them to fight the good fight of the culture of encounter!” (Fratelli Tutti, 217).



November 26, 2021

Letter to Married Couples

Marriage is an important part of the project of building the “culture of encounter” ( Fratelli Tutti, 216). Families are thus called to bridge generations in passing on the values that forge true humanity. New creativity is needed, to express, amid today’s challenges, the values that constitute us as a people, both in our societies and in the Church, the People of God.




January 8, 2022

Audience with Members of the Saints Peter and Paul Association

Encounter is like the oxygen of life. This is why we need a culture of encounter, because “we, as a people, should be passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone” (ibid., 216). This is the criterion that gives meaning to your daily commitment.



January 17, 2022

To the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota

Synodality in processes implies a constant exercise of listening . Here too, it is necessary to learn to listen , which is not simply hearing . It is necessary to understand the view and reasons of the other, almost to identify with the other. As in other areas of pastoral care, a culture of listening, which is a prerequisite for a culture of encounter, must also be fostered in judicial activities. This is why standard answers to the concrete problems of individual persons are harmful.



April 25, 2022

To Pilgrims from Queen's University, Belfast

I encourage you not only to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the intellectual and spiritual richness of our Catholic tradition, but also, and in a truly evangelical spirit, to cultivate the culture of encounter among yourselves and in the University community.



May 9, 2022

Audience with Students and Teachers of the University of Macerata

It is not enough to bring together professors and students from different backgrounds. It is necessary to develop a culture of encounter. And the university is certainly a privileged place to do this. Macerata was the birthplace of a great “champion” of this culture, Father Matteo Ricci. He was great not only for the things he did and wrote, but he is great because he was a man of encounters, a man of the culture of encounter, a man who went beyond being a foreigner; he became a citizen of the world because he was a “citizen of people”. This is the culture of encounter. And, certainly, the university is a privileged place for this encounter. Macerata was the birthplace of this great champion: I congratulate you because you not only preserve his memory and promote studies on him, but you also try to bring into the present his example of intercultural dialogue. How much need there is today, at all levels, to resolutely pursue this path, the path of dialogue! How the powers of the world are accustomed to the road of exclusion, to the culture of rejection! No, there is a need for dialogue, the path of dialogue.



May 19, 2022

Address to Newly Acredited Ambassadors

Dear Ambassadors, you have a privileged role to play in this regard. You know all too well that war is always a defeat for humanity and runs contrary to the important service that you provide in trying to build a culture of encounter through dialogue and encouraging mutual understanding among peoples while also upholding the noble principles of international law. It is by no means an easy service but perhaps the situations of inequality and injustice that we are witnessing in our world today help us to appreciate your work all the more. Despite the challenges and setbacks, we must never lose hope in our efforts to build a world in which a sense of fraternity and mutual understanding prevail and disagreements are resolved through peaceful means.



May 28, 2022

Audience with a Delegation of the Buddhist Authority in Mongolia

Though the presence of more formal communities of the Catholic faithful in your country is fairly recent, and their numbers small but significant, the Church is fully committed to fostering a culture of encounter, in imitation of her Master and Founder, who commanded his disciples: “Love one another as I love you” (Jn 15:12). Let us strengthen our friendship for the benefit of everyone. Mongolia has a long-standing tradition of peaceful coexistence between different religions. It is my hope and prayer that this ancient history of harmony in diversity may continue in our own day through the effective implementation of religious freedom and the promotion of joint initiatives for the common good.



June 18, 2022

To the Society of Saint Paul

In this regard, a key theme is that of interpersonal relationships in the globalised and hyper-connected world. This is a key theme both on the human and social levels as well as on the ecclesial level, because all Christian life starts from and develops through person-to-person relationships. And by now, after the initial moments of euphoria over the new technologies, we are aware that it is not enough to live “online” or “connected”. We need to see up to what point our communication, enriched by the digital sphere, effectively creates bridges and contributes to the construction of the culture of encounter.



June 29, 2022

Message to the Spanish President of Caritas

Finally, it is also a “path of renewal”, because the new realities of poverty require us to take care of people and our common home, and to be ready to walk the paths of the culture of encounter and charity, linking the local with the global, working from those close to us, but with a universal horizon (cf. Encyclical Letter Fratelli tutti, 142).



October 10, 2022

To Pilgrims Gathered for the Canonization of Blessed Giovanni Scalabrini

We are called today to live out and spread the culture of encounter, an encounter on an equal footing between migrants and the people of the host country. It is an enriching experience, inasmuch as it reveals the beauty of diversity.



November 10, 2022

Audience with the Community of the Pontifical College Nepomucenum

It is a sign of the times we see in various Roman colleges, increasingly made up of mixed communities, no longer national but international. And this situation, which is due to the diminishing European presence, can become, if well managed, a source of human and formative richness. In this diversity you can better practice becoming “bridges”, serving the culture of encounter, capable of grasping in the other their peculiar originality, and at the same time, the common humanity.



December 1, 2022

Message to Participants in the Rome Med Dialogues

We must therefore revive the culture of encounter from which we have benefited so much, and not only in the past. In this way it will be possible to rebuild a sense of fraternity, developing, beyond more just economic relations, also more human relationships, including those with migrants.




February 3, 2023

To Authorities in South Sudan (1)

Behind every form of violence, there is anger and resentment, and behind every form of anger and resentment, there is the unhealed memory of wounds, humiliations and wrongs. It follows that the only way to break free of these is through encounter, the culture of encounter: by accepting others as our brothers and sisters and making room for them, even if it means taking a step backwards.



February 3, 2023

To Authorities in South Sudan (2)

In the passage from the barbarity of confrontation to a culture of vital encounter, young people have a decisive role to play. Consequently, they should be provided with open spaces of encounter for meeting and discussion. May they fearlessly take hold of the future which is theirs!



March 16, 2023

To a Delegation of the United Association of Humanistic Buddhism (Taiwan)

Your visit, which you have termed an educational pilgrimage, represents a privileged occasion for advancing the culture of encounter, in which we take the risk of opening ourselves to others, trusting that we will discover in them friends and brothers and sisters, and in the process learn and discover more about ourselves.



June 1, 2023

To Latin American Business Leaders

As I said earlier to a group of European businesspeople, it is essential to approach our work from the perspective of a culture of encounter. It is the values of such a culture that inspire the business world to defend itself against the shadows of evil, which invade us when profit at all costs distorts our relationships, to the point of degrading or enslaving people. The culture of encounter, on the other hand, expresses the pursuit of the common good, thus helping to dispel these shadows.


August 26, 2023

To Italian Journalists

There is, however, one reason that prompted me to accept yours, and that is the urgency of constructive communication, which fosters the culture of encounter and not of confrontation; the culture of peace and not of war; the culture of openness to the other and not of prejudice.



September 18, 2023

To the Clinton Global Initiative

It is important to spread a culture of encounter, a culture of dialogue, a culture of listening and understanding.


September 23, 2023

To Mediterannean Mayors in Marseilles

Be a lighthouse of peace, in order to pierce, through the culture of encounter, the dark abysses of violence and war.



September 24, 2023

To the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Sustain us by the power of your Spirit, so that we can reflect your tender love to every migrant whom you place in our path, and to spread in hearts and in every situation the culture of encounter and of care.



February 1, 2024

To a Delegation from the University of Notre Dame

I will pose a question, that each of you can answer later: do you help young people to dream? I ask the question. It also means promoting dialogue and a culture of encounter, so that all can learn to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person as a brother or sister, and most fundamentally, as a beloved child of God. Here, we cannot overlook the essential role of religion in educating people’s hearts.



June 1, 2024

To Members of the Christian Associations of Italian Workers

This is the vocation of your “circles”: to open the doors, to keep them open, to welcome people, to enable them to build bonds of solidarity and a sense of belonging, to embark together on a journey of integration that can develop “a multifaceted culture of encounter."



October 17, 2024

To Ministers Participating in The G7 on Inclusion and Disability

The new technologies can also prove to be a powerful means for increasing inclusion and participation, provided they are made accessible to everyone. These technologies need to be directed towards the common good and placed at the service of a culture of encounter and solidarity. Technology ought to be used wisely, in order to avoid creating further inequalities and to help overcoming those that already exist.
