Gemma Tulud Cruz
Gemma Tulud Cruz is a faculty member at Australian Catholic University, where she is a researcher with the Institute for Religion & Critical Inquiry. She is also coordinator of the Catholic Theological Society of America's Globalization Interest Group. Cruz's research expertise is on migration, Catholic social ethics, and on contextual theologies, particularly feminist, liberation, and Asian theologies. Cruz is also interested in research in the area of missiology and intercultural theology, as well as on the topic of globalization. Previously, she was assistant professor in theology at St. Ambrose University, then visiting assistant professor in Catholic studies and fellow at the Centre for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University in Chicago. Cruz received an undergraduate degree in education and a master’s degree in religious studies in the Philippines. She completed her Ph.D. in theology at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen in the Netherlands with a dissertation on Filipina migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong.