Response: Culture of Encounter and Today's Poor: Where Is Your Sister?

Sylvia Cáceres Pizarro
April 4, 2022
As Pope Francis argued in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, only a robust vision and practice of solidarity can overcome the challenges revealed by the global pandemic—crises of growing inequality, deep indifference, and destructive nationalism that tear and fray the common bonds of humanity.
How can we as individuals and societies build solidarity beyond the level of the family, community, and nation, enabling inclusive and effective approaches to global problems? In these essays, participants in the Culture of Encounter and the Global Agenda Project reflect on the different dimensions of this question.
Response: Culture of Encounter and Today's Poor: Where Is Your Sister?
Sylvia Cáceres Pizarro
April 4, 2022
Response: Human Development and Human Rights in a Culture of Encounter and Solidarity
David Hollenbach
April 4, 2022
Response: Solidarity as Relationality and Focus on the Vulnerable
Michael Reder
April 4, 2022
Response: Solidarity: Challenging Global Order
Marcel Uwineza
April 4, 2022