Response: Diplomacy Francis-Style: Global Governance as Encounter

Drew Christiansen
April 4, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the interdependence and shared vulnerability of peoples and revealed the weakness of the international system in the face of global challenges. A just, inclusive, and sustainable global order will be one in which global governance addresses an expanding set of global crises, including pandemics, climate change, and migration.
How does Pope Francis’ idea of a culture of encounter relate to challenges of global governance? In these essays, participants in the Culture of Encounter and the Global Agenda Project reflect on different aspects of this question.
Response: Diplomacy Francis-Style: Global Governance as Encounter
Drew Christiansen
April 4, 2022
Response: Global Governance and Peace in Times of Catastrophic Risks
Adriana Abdenur
April 4, 2022
Response: International Relations and the Geometry of the Culture of Encounter
Scott Thomas
April 4, 2022
Response: The Culture of Encounter and the Challenges of Global Peace and Governance
Ismat Jahan
April 4, 2022
Response: The Culture of Encounter and the Governance of Technology
Alessio Pecorario
April 4, 2022
Response: The Post-Pandemic Window of Opportunity for the Global Moral Role of Religion
Jocelyne Cesari
April 4, 2022
Response: We Keep Each Other Safe
Emily Welty
April 4, 2022