Evelyn Monteiro
Sr. Evelyn Monteiro, SCC, is the co-founder of Ecclesia of Women in Asia (EWA)—an association of Catholic women theologians in Asia—and vice president of the Indian Theologians Association. Monteiro was a faculty member and professor of systematic theology at Jnana-Deepa, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology at Pune, India, for many years and visiting professor at other theological faculties in India and abroad. Monteiro has authored Church and Culture: Communion in Pluralism (2004), edited several books, and published a number of articles in national and international theological journals. Her research addresses ecclesiology, particularly in situating the conciliar and post-conciliar understanding of the Church in the pluri-religious and socio-cultural context of Asia and India, and contextual and liberation theologies. She holds a doctorate in systematic theology from Centre Sèvres, Facultés jésuites de Paris, France.